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Grass-Fed, Pasture Raised, 20% IgG+

Colostrum+ Skin

Colostrum+ Skin

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Containing an estimated 250+ Bioactives, Colostrum is one of the most scientifically researched supplements. Colostrum targets the root cause of skin issues by repairing the main issue – the gut. Don't settles for solutions which mask the issue.

✔️ Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA).
✔️ Secretary Immunoglobulin (SIgA).
✔️ Growth Factors (IGF-1 & 2, TGF-β1 & β2).
✔️ Epithelial Growth Factor (EGF).
✔️ Prebiotic Oligosaccharides.
✔️ Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines.
✔️ Proline Rich Polypeptides.

✔️ Lactoferrin & so much more.

Scientific Studies Show That Colostrum:

🌟 Promotes Skin & Collagen Production.
🌟 Speeds Up Wound Healing.
🌟 Enhances Keratinocyte Migration.
🌟 Stimulates Skin Repair

🌟 Repairs Leaky Gut Syndrome.
🌟 Increases Beneficial Gut Bacteria.
🌟 Decreases Pathogenic Gut Bacteria.
🌟 Reduces Intestinal Inflammation.
🌟 Helps Clear Gut Endotoxin.

The Gold Standard In Colostrum:

Our colostrum is the only colostrum sourced from a unique set of pastures located near New Zealand's Southern Alps. Sourced from grass-fed and pasture raised cattle only, we use low thermal processing to maintain colostrums impressive bioactive profile when turning it into a powder.

✔️ Verified & Tested 20% IgG+, IgM & IgA.
✔️ Verified & Tested IGF-1 & 2, TGF-β1 & β2.
✔️ Verified & Tested Vitamin & Minerals.
✔️ Low Thermal Processing.
✔️ Optimal Powdered Form.
✔️ Responsibly Collected At All Times.
✔️ Collected Only During Calving Season.
✔️ No Antibiotics or Hormones.
✔️ No Additives, Preservatives or Fillers.

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Colostrum Is #1 For Overcoming Stubborn Skin Conditions

Containing 250+ bioactives, colostrum is a rare superfood shown to repair and get to the root cause of skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and acne. Say goodbye to itchy and inflamed skin.

  • 179+ Studies

  • 250+ Bio Actives

  • 20% Active IgG+

  • Growth Factors+

  • Southern Alps+

  • Gut Repair+

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A Leaky Gut Barrier Causes Skin Conditions. Colostrum Helps Repair This Barrier.

  • The Importance of A Healthy Gut Barrier

    The gut plays a critical role in optimal health. When the gut lining is healthy, it is a barrier of tight junctions. These junctions selectively absorb nutrients, vitamins, minerals and amino acids while keeping out allergens, bad bacteria, toxins, gliadin and viruses. However, certain lifestyle factors can damage this barrier leading to a host of downstream effects. Thousands of studies now demonstrate that the gut lining holds the delicate balance between healthy and unhealthy skin. Science calls this the GUT-SKIN connection.

  • Lifestyle Factors Damage the Gut Barrier Leading to Inflamed Skin

    Processed foods, pesticides, sugar, alcohol, antibiotics and chronic stress damage our gut barrier, leading to leaky gut syndrome (intestinal hyper permeability). When our gut junctions become leaky, bad bacteria, allergens and toxins can leak into the blood stream resulting in immune activation and inflammation. Overtime, this chronic response may result in a host of symptoms and conditions including eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne and other skin issues. This is why topicals, steroids and ointments only mask symptoms.

  • Colostrum Contains the Essential Building Blocks Required to Repair An Unhealthy Gut Barrier.

    Colostrum contains 250+ bioactives, many of which have exert anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-pathogen, antioxidant and immunodulatory benefits at the gut level. Some of these bioactives include Immunoglobulins, sIgA, Growth Factors, Lactoferrin, Oligosaccharides, Prebiotics, Cytokines, Proline Rich Polypeptides + much more. Colostrum also contains a host of essential vitamins and minerals which are foundation to gut health.

  • The Science Speaks For Itself, Colostrum Repairs The Gut Barrier Fast (No More Bandaid Topicals)

    Multiple studies demonstrate that bovine colostrum can help reverse leaky gut. For example, just 500mg (small dose) of colostrum was shown to improve leaky gut (1). While two other studies found that colostrum improved and blunted leaky gut by 70% and 80% respectively (2)(3). We also have studies showing that colostrum led to a significant reduction in Zonulin levels, the main marker for measuring intestinal permeability (4).

In Addition to Repairing Leaky Gut, Colostrum Helps Problem Skin By Targeting Multiple Areas of Gut Health.

  • Helps Clear Endotoxin (LPS)

    Individuals experiencing skin problems such as psoriasis and acne frequently exhibit heightened levels of Endotoxin, a byproduct of generated by harmful gram-negative bacteria in the gut. It is commonly elevated in people with Leaky gut. In multiple studies, colostrum has been shown to reduce plasma endotoxin (5)(6)(7). In one study, it reduced it by as much as 67% (8).

  • Boosts The Growth of Good Bacteria

    Low levels of beneficial bacteria are highly common in sufferers of eczema, psoriasis and acne. For example, one study found that 54% of people with acne also had a gut bacteria imbalance (9). In studies, colostrum has been shown to increase benefical Bifidobacterium spp, Lactobacillus spp, short-chain fatty acid microorganisms and also improve the diversity and abundance of good bacteria (10)(11)(12).

  • Increases Protective Immunoglobulin (SIgA).

    SIgA is an immunoglobulin which protects our mucosal barriers, including the gut. Low levels of sIgA have been implicated in skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. In one study, bovine colostrum was shown to increase salivary IgA levels by 79% after 12 weeks of supplementation (13). While another study found a 33% increase in salivary IGA (14).

  • Combats Bad Bacteria & Gut Pathogens

    Gut pathogens and bad bacteria like e.coli often can trigger and contribute to skin issues. In studies, colostrum has been shown to shift dysbiotic (unhealthy) gut environments towards eubiotic (good) gut environments (15). Studies also showed that colostrum reduced levels of e.coli, worked against H.Pylori and cleared C.difficile when paired with a probiotic (16)(17)(18).

  • Helps Repair The Intestinal Villi

    Many of the ointments, medications and steroids used to treat skin issues can often damage the small intestinal villi gut or even worsen skin symptoms. In studies, colostrum was shown to help repair the intestinal villi as-well as repair gut damage caused by medications like NSAIDs by 30-60% (19)(20).

  • Promotes Skin Regeneration & Collagen Production

    While colostrum improves problem skin by repairing the gut, topical colostrum also has benefits. In studies, topical colostrum has been shown to shorten wound healing times (21), stimulate skin repair and regeneration (22), Enhance keratinocyte proliferation and migration (23), and stimulate significant healing in chronic non-healing ulcers (24). In addition to supplementing, our founder also used colostrum topically to fix his eczema.

The Benefits of Colostrums Bioactives


Colostrum is the richest source of Immunoglobulins, containing 100x more immunoglobulins compared to mature milk.

At the mucosal level, Immunoglobulins act as a defence system against bacteria, toxins, viruses, and other antigens. They bind, recognise and destroy these molecules thereby fortifying the mucosal barriers and regulating the innate and adaptive immune system.

Secretory IgA

Secretory IgA is one of the most important immune molecules which plays an essential role in ensuring the health of our mucosal barriers. It prevents the overgrowth of mucosal pathogens and bad bacteria.

Low SIgA levels have been found in people with IBD, IBS, food Intolerances, intestinal permeability and autoimmunity.

Colostrum has been found to help increase and modulate IgA levels. In one study, long distance runners taking bovine colostrum for 12 weeks, improved s-IgA levels by 79%.

Growth Factors

Colostrum contains close to 50 different growth factors including IGF-1, IGF-2, TGF-β and TGF-α which are exclusive to bovine colostrum.

Growth factors are natural proteins which promote healing and repair. Many of these growth factors have been shown to display antihypertensive, antioxidant, antithrombotic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activity.

Studies show that growth factors repair intestinal cells, enhance immunity, build lean muscle and enhance wound repair.


Lactoferrin in an iron binding glycoprotein which plays an important role in iron regulation and immune health.

Lactoferrin displays antioxidant, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activity. It is effective against viruses, pathogens (like e.coli), the common cold and viral gastro-enteritis. It also reduces pathogenic microbial load.

Studies show that lactoferrin is more effective at increasing iron levels than synthetic iron tablets. It has also been shown to restore the gut mucosal barrier.


Bovine colostrum is a rich source of Prebiotic oligosacchardies.

Oligosaccahrdies are the only prebiotic shown to promote the growth of Bifidobacterium. This probiotic or species of bacteria has been shown to reduce gut permeability, inflammation and restore gut homeostasis (e.g. crowding out bad bacteria in favour of the good stuff).

New evidence is also looking at the role of prebiotic oligosaccharides in obesity prevention. For example, one study showed that the consumption of oligosaccharides significantly reduced weight gain and reduced intestinal permeability.

Proline Rich Polypeptides

Proline Rich Polypeptides are incredibly small chains of amino acids that have powerful effects on immunity.

They have been shown to promote T-lymphocyte function, stimulate undifferentiated lymphocytes, promote the growth of B cells, enhance natural killer cell activity, increase the proliferation of leukocytes and inhibit viruses known to be linked with autoimmune disease.

One specific Proline rich polypeptide called colostrinin has recently been shown to improve cognition and outcomes in patients with mild to moderate dementia.


a-Lactalbumin is a whey protein that plays an important role in maintianing muscle mass and aiding in weight loss.

It has been shown to improve sleep, protect against gut infections and support an overall healthy microbiome.

The Only Colostrum Sourced From Pastures Located Near New Zealands Southern Alps.

The Gold Standard in Colostrum: The Southern Alps

Our colostrum is sourced from a unique set of pastures located on New Zealand's South Island. These pastures are surrounded by the Southern Alps with lands so picturesque they could feature on a postcard. Cattle roam the lands freely and are grass-fed and 365 day pasture raised.

Low Thermal Technology, More Active IgG+ and Meticulously Tested

Low Thermal Processing:

Proprietary low thermal processing is used on our colostrum at temperatures much lower than industry norms. This ensures that colostrum maintains its bioactive compounds.

20% Active IgG+

20% IgG is the hallmark of high quality colostrum as its the most concentrated bioactive. Our colostrum is exclusively selected from batches exceeding 20% IgG+.

Low thermal processing also maintains IgG activity compared to high temperatures, which denatures IgG and impacts the reliability of the commonly used affinity HPLC testing method. This means that 20% IgG may be closer to 15% if low thermal processing is not used.

Meticulously Tested:

We provide comprehensive testing for microbiologics, IgG, IgA and IgM. We are also one of the rare companies who test IGF-I, IGF-II, TGF-β1, TGF-β2 as-well as test for vitamin and mineral content.

Responsible Sourcing: Colostrum Is A Rare Resource

Colostrum is a rare resource and is only collected during the cattles natural calving season. Only surplus colostrum is collected. This ensures the calf gets all the colostrum it needs to develop and be healthy with the remainder then being collected.

In order to meet yearly demand, colostrum is sourced from multiple different New Zealand farms across the south Island. It is then processed within 48 hours to maintain bioactive concentration.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does Colostrum Taste Like?

Just like whey protein but better. The taste is neutral so can be added to water, smoothies, shakes or any drink with ease. Some people dry scoop it because they love it so much.

Can I Apply It Topically?

Colostrum is designed to help get to the root cause of skin issues - the gut (so it doesn't come back).

While not necessary, colostrum may also be applied topically for short term relief. Topical is best used by mixing with a carrier oil and applying as a paste (e.g. coconut oil/tallow)

We typically recommend getting the 2x bundle so you can use one for topical and the other as a supplement.

Don't apply to open wounds or eyes. If you have open wounds, then please consult with a health care professional before using topically.

Can I Take Colostrum with Your Beef Liver Supplements?

Absolutely, you are pairing the No 1 most vitamin and mineral rich whole-food (beef liver) with the most bioactive rich whole-food in colostrum. Beef liver is also the richest food source of skin loving active vitamin A. Amazing to take separately but also the ultimate combination when taken together.

Is your Colostrum From Grass-Fed & Pasture Raised Cows?

Yes! Our colostrum powder is sourced from Grass-fed and pastured raised New Zealand dairy cows only. We source our colostrum from a unique part of New Zealand where pastures are surrounded by the Southern Alps. It is a one of kind source of Colostrum.

Do you Use Low Thermal Drying on Your Colostrum?

Yes, our colostrum uses low thermal processing technology to ensure more active IgG. Compared to one of the main US colostrum suppliers, our colostrum contained more active IgG.

Why Powder & Not Capsules?

Colostrum should not be taken in capsules in our opinion. The power tastes good and has oral mucosal benefits when consumed in this way. Capsules removes this additional benefit from the equation.

Is this Product Safe for Those with Lactose Intolerance?

Each serve of Colostrum does contain a small amount of lactose, so would not be advisable to those with severe lactose allergy.

However, many with a small dairy sensitivity find they don't have an issue with colostrum. This might come down to colostrum helping with their gut, which may be contributing to the dairy sensitivity in the first place.

If you are unsure if its right for you, please contact a health care professional before taking.

Can I Take Colostrum While Pregnant/Breastfeeding?

We recommend consulting with your health care professional if you are unsure about taking colostrum during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Invest In A Bundle and Save

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665 reviews
  • AK
    Anita K.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 days ago
    Helping with my loose stools

    I’ve had chronic loose stools for a very long time now, and increasing gut issues. So far I’ve noticed more solid stools and only going 1-2 times a day instead of 4-5 times in the morning.

  • NJ
    Nicole J.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 days ago
    So easy to take!!

    I find alot of the time I start a new supplement and have to force it down because the taste is so bad. I always end up quitting. So easy to add this to my daily routine. I just mix it in my morning smoothie. My daughter puts it in her yoghurt :)

  • SH
    Sonia H.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 days ago
    Best Colostrum

    This colostrum has made an incredible difference to my gut health. No more IBS and can tolerate foods that were previously problematic. I have recommended to my Mum and she has also had great results.

  • CS
    carly S.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 days ago
    Great little booster!

    Have been adding this to my daily smoothie, have noticed an improvement in my auto immune disease, very happy!!

  • JW
    Josh Wilson C.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 days ago

    Quality product. Will continue to purchase.

Scientific References

1. Hałasa M, Maciejewska D, Baśkiewicz-Hałasa M, Machaliński B, Safranow K, Stachowska E. Oral Supplementation with Bovine Colostrum Decreases Intestinal Permeability and Stool Concentrations of Zonulin in Athletes. Nutrients. 2017;9(4):370.

Summary: With a daily dosage of only 500mg, Bovine Colostrum supplementation was found to be both safe and effective at reducing intestinal permeability in athletes.

2. Marchbank T, Davison G, Oakes JR, et al. OC-083 Clinical trial: influence of bovine colostrum on intestinal permeability in healthy athletes after heavy exercise. Gut. 2010;59(Suppl 1):A34.2-A35.

  • Summary: Colostrum significantly reduced intestinal permeability caused by heavy exercise. Compared to placebo, it blunted intestinal permeability by 80% and reduced apoptosis by 66%.

3. Davison G, Marchbank T, March DS, Thatcher R, Playford RJ. Zinc carnosine works with bovine colostrum in truncating heavy exercise-induced increase in gut permeability in healthy volunteers. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016;104(2):526-536.

  • Summary: Colostrum was shown to significantly blunt the impact of exercised induced intestinal permeability by 70% after 14 days as well as reduce apoptosis and epithelial resistance by 35-50%.

4. Eslamian G, Ardehali SH, Baghestani AR, Vahdat Shariatpanahi Z. Effects of early enteral bovine colostrum supplementation on intestinal permeability in critically ill patients: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Nutrition. 2019;60:106-111.

  • Summary: In a study of 70 ICU patients, bovine colostrum led to significant reductions in plasma endotoxin, zonulin levels and diarrhea when compared to the control group. Researchers noted the important implications for intestinal permeability.

5. Bölke E, Jehle PM, Hausmann F, et al. Preoperative oral application of immunoglobulin-enriched colostrum milk and mediator response during abdominal surgery. Shock. 2002;17(1):9-12.

Summary: Bovine colostrum was successfully used in a randomised pilot human study to reduce endotoxin levels generated after abdominal surgery. 

6. Eslamian G, Ardehali SH, Baghestani AR, Vahdat Shariatpanahi Z. Effects of early enteral bovine colostrum supplementation on intestinal permeability in critically ill patients: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Nutrition. 2019;60:106-111. 

Summary: In this study of 70 ICU patients, those taking bovine colostrum had significantly less plasma endotoxin levels compared to the control group.

7. Seifert J, Molkewehrum M, Oesser S, Nebermann L, Schulze C. Endotoxin inactivation by enterally applied colostrum of different composition. Eur Surg Res. 2002;34(1-2):68-72.

Summary: The oral application of lactoferrin-enriched colostrum decreased endotoxin values by more than 50% in rats.

8. Döhler JR, Nebermann L. Bovine colostrum in oral treatment of enterogenic endotoxaemia in rats. Crit Care. 2002;6(6):536-539.

Summary: In this animal study, Bovine colostrum and Bovine colostrum enriched with lactoferrin were shown to reduce plasma endotoxin levels by 67% and 80% respectively.

9. Volkova, L. A., Khalif, I. L., & Kabanova, I. N. (2001). Vliiane disbakterioza kishechnika na techenie vul'garnykh ugreĭ [Impact of the impaired intestinal microflora on the course of acne vulgaris].Klinicheskaia meditsina,79(6), 39–41.

Summary: Out of 114 patients with acne vulgaris (94 and 20 with its papulopustular and nodulocystic forms), Sixty-one (54%) patients had impaired bacterial microflora.

10.Menchetti L, Curone G, Filipescu IE, et al. The prophylactic use of bovine colostrum in a murine model of TNBS-Induced colitis. Animals. 2020;10(3):492

Summary: Bovine colostrum was shown to increase the growth of beneficial gut bacteria such as Bifidobacterium spp. and Lactobacillus spp.

11. Agradi S, Cremonesi P, Menchetti L, et al. Bovine Colostrum Supplementation Modulates the Intestinal Microbial Community in Rabbits. Animals (Basel). 2023;13(6):976. 

Summary: Colostrum was found to enhance the presence of short-chain fatty acid microorganisms, which play a crucial role in maintaining gut homeostasis.

12. Asbjornsdottir B, Miranda-Ribera A, Fiorentino M, et al. Prophylactic Effect of Bovine Colostrum on Intestinal Microbiota and Behavior in Wild-Type and Zonulin Transgenic Mice. Biomedicines. 2022;11(1):91.

Summary: In mice, consumption of bovine colostrum was shown to increase the abundance and diversity of beneficial bacterial. It also shifted dysbiotic bacteria (bad bacteria) towards eubiosis (good bacteria). 

13. Crooks CV, Wall CR, Cross ML, Rutherfurd-Markwick KJ. The effect of bovine colostrum supplementation on salivary IgA in distance runners. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2006;16(1):47-64.

Summary: In long distance runners, bovine colostrum was shown to increase s-IgA levels by 79% after 12 weeks of supplementation. Secretory IgA is a known mucosal immune booster and protector again URTI’s.

14. Crooks CV, Wall CR, Cross ML, Rutherfurd-Markwick KJ. The effect of bovine colostrum supplementation on salivary IgA in distance runners. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2006;16(1):47-64.

Summary: Long-term supplementation of bovine colostrum increased serum IGF-I and saliva IgA concentration by 33% in athletes during training.

15.Asbjornsdottir B, Miranda-Ribera A, Fiorentino M, et al. Prophylactic Effect of Bovine Colostrum on Intestinal Microbiota and Behavior in Wild-Type and Zonulin Transgenic Mice. Biomedicines. 2022;11(1):91.

Summary: In mice, consumption of bovine colostrum was shown to increase the abundance and diversity of beneficial bacterial. It also shifted dysbiotic bacteria (bad bacteria) towards eubiosis (good bacteria). 

Elsasser TH, Ma B, Ravel J, Kahl S, Gajer P, Cross A. Short-term feeding of defatted bovine colostrum mitigates inflammation in the gut via changes in metabolites and microbiota in a chicken animal model. Anim Microbiome. 2023;5(1):6.

Summary: Bovine Colostrum had a beneficial impact on microbiota, particularly in promoting the presence of the bacterial types associated with eubiosis and the segmented filamentous bacteria.

16. Champagne CP, Raymond Y, Pouliot Y, Gauthier SF, Lessard M. Effect of bovine colostrum, cheese whey, and spray-dried porcine plasma on the in vitro growth of probiotic bacteria and Escherichia coli. Can J Microbiol. 2014;60(5):287-295.

Summary: Bovine colostrum was shown to promote the growth of probiotic bacteria while also inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli

17. Bitzan MM, Gold BD, Philpott DJ, et al. Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori and Helicobacter mustelae binding to lipid receptors by bovine colostrum. J Infect Dis. 1998;177(4):955-961. doi:10.1086/515256

Summary: This in vitro study showed that bovine colostrum hinders microbial adhesion to specific lipids, influencing the interaction of H. pylori and other pathogens to their target tissues.

18.Stuppy W. Probiotics and Colostrum in the Treament of C. difficile Colitis. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. September 2006.

Summary: After two weeks of supplementing with 250mg of  Saccharomyces boulardii and 960mg of colostrum, 85 out of 87 patients were found free of C difficile toxins A&B. The researcher suggested that this approach could be used over antibiotics.

19. Playford RJ, Floyd DN, Macdonald CE, et al. Bovine colostrum is a health food supplement which prevents NSAID induced gut damage. Gut. 1999;44(5):653-658.

Summary: Bovine colostrum reduced gastrointestinal injury in rats by 30-60% after NSAID administration. Researchers found it to be an inexpensive approach for preventing and treating the harmful effects of NSAIDs on the gut and potentially had implications for other ulcerative bowel conditions.

20. Cairangzhuoma, Yamamoto M, Muranishi H, et al. Skimmed, sterilized, and concentrated bovine late colostrum promotes both prevention and recovery from intestinal tissue damage in mice. J Dairy Sci. 2013;96(3):1347-1355.

Summary: Following NSAID administration, bovine colostrum was found to promote growth and healing of the intestinal villi (gut wall) in mice. Researchers recommended colostrum as a potential therapeutic agent for ulcerative and inflammatory conditions of the bowel.

Kim JW, Jeon WK, Kim EJ. Combined effects of bovine colostrum and glutamine in diclofenac-induced bacterial translocation in rat. Clin Nutr. 2005;24(5):785-793.

Summary: Using bovine colostrum and glutamine together may effectively decrease gut damage and bacterial translocation caused by NSAIDs in rats. 

21.Kshirsagar AY, Vekariya MA, Gupta V, et al. A comparative study of colostrum dressing versus conventional dressing in deep wounds. J Clin Diagn Res. 2015;9(4):PC01-PC4.

  • Summary: Compared to traditional dressings, colostrum dressings resulted in shorter healing time, rapid healing and decreased pain compared to the control group.

Panigrahi A ,Sahoo M , Mohapatra S, et al. Role of Bovine Colostrum in Healing of Chronic Non-Healing Ulcers – A Clinical Study. Journal of Medical Science & Clinical Research. 2018; 6(11): 204-207.

  • Summary: In 60 patients with non healing ulcers, those who applied colostrum powder had a significant increase in wound healing in the compared to conventional treatment. Bovine colostrum has significant wound healing properties.

22. Kaur T, Joshi A, Singh N. Natural cocktail of bioactive factors conjugated on nanofibrous dressing for improved wound healing. Biomaterials Advances. 2022;143:213163.

Summary: In vitro, colostrum stimulated skin repair and regeneration by direct action on genetic material. Significantly less inflammation in colostrum treated wounds was observed due to anti-inflammatory properties of lactoferrin and other growth factors.

23. Kovacs D, Cardinali G, Aspite N, Picardo M. Bovine colostrum promotes growth and migration of the human keratinocyte HaCaT cell line. Growth Factors. 2009;27(6):448-455.

  • Summary: An in vitro study found that colostrum stimulated keratinocyte proliferation and migration which is essential for tissue repair. Researchers put it down to the growth factors found in colostrum.

24. Panigrahi A ,Sahoo M , Mohapatra S, et al. Role of Bovine Colostrum in Healing of Chronic Non-Healing Ulcers – A Clinical Study. Journal of Medical Science & Clinical Research. 2018; 6(11): 204-207.

  • Summary: In 60 patients with non healing ulcers, those who applied colostrum powder had a significant increase in wound healing in the compared to conventional treatment. Bovine colostrum has significant wound healing properties.